About Me

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I am the very proud mom of 3 fabulous little boys, I have recently suffered the loss of my 4th baby boy and soon after was diagnosed as having Thyroid cancer. I am trying to find my way through this darkness and I am hoping that getting all of my feelings and emotions out might help. we will see...

Be Gentle.

If you are new to my blog, I would recommend starting from the beginning and working yourself up to present. At this point my blog consists of two parts of my life, losing my baby and recieving a cancer diagnosis. I will be the first to admit that I skip around alot. This blog is starting out as a sort of therapy for me (I hope) so please dont judge too harshly as I am very new to the world of blogging.

Monday, February 22, 2010

"It doesnt make sense, it isnt fair."

"GOD has a plan for everyone". "Everything happens for a reason". "you have to carry your cross." "be patient and trust in GOD".
I have heard them all. So do they help? I dont know. I have faith in GOD and in his plan for me but It doesnt mean I am not angry with him. I dont understand why a kind and loving GOD would take my child from me. I dont understand why I couldnt catch a break. Why the cancer?
I will continue to be patient and have faith.
I cant say that I wont continue to be angry.

My 7 year old son said it best when he asked "Why would GOD give us a baby and then take him away? It doesnt make sense. It isnt fair."

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